... hello to the new 'do.
Carlos and I bonded today. It was amazing. Haircuts, art galleries, late lunch, free wine - all in Chelsea. Totally had a gay day.
I'm so lucky to have the roomies I have. They're all such great genuine people, which has been so rare for me to find lately. It seems all of the people I tend to know or meet or hang out with have a hidden agenda or it's for business reasons that we're shaking hands and enjoying a drink. These guys are just awesome people.
The possibilities in New York are endless, as always, and today I was reminded of how many things I still want to do. The last few days especially I've been searching for more ways to be involved, to experience more, to learn more, to do more, and today there was .... well... even more.
Money is getting tighter still, but opportunities will come and a way will be presented. No worries. It's all gravy, baby.
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