... unbelievable. Inspiring. Phenomenal.
I loved this production!!
It makes me want to get back into theatre as well as see ALL of the Broadway shows. I'm in lust. New York swoons me once again. In the last few days I've been offered contracts by two agencies, set up a couple of photo shoots here in NYC, made several contacts in Toronto for further shooting, joined a gym and had my first [nearly fatal] personal training session, scrounged two tickets to see Equus on Broadway for FREE, and rediscovered my love for the arts - scultpure and theatre.
Only. In. New York.
I'm so happy right now. :)
Jon and I were talking after the show about how sometimes you catch yourself thinking, "wow, I'm really here - really living in the greatest city in America"... specifically after seeing the Broadway show and strolling through Time Square. It's times like these that I know beyond a doubt that every motion of my past, whether immediately recognized as "good" or "bad", was ultimately part of that Divine Plan. Times like these that confirm this is my fate.
I'm living the dream.
Random list of things to do before I die:
- Have a single art exhibit of my works
- Write a book for poetry and another book to inspire youth
- Be a part of the production of a Broadway play
- Skydive
- Leave a legacy such as my own charity or fundraising event to give new hope to people
- To live a life that impacts others in such a way that I can live on through those I've touched
- To die, having exhausted my abilities, for something I care about
- Sing John Mayer songs slightly intoxicated at a pub or lounge
- Sing lullabys to my children as they go to sleep
- Sing to my wife in front of a large crowd
- Learn to sing
- Be in a movie
- Get a large campaign gig for modeling
- Remain faithful in my passion of Love
- Make my kids laugh so hard they pee their pants