Monday, October 20, 2008

The List Goes On...

- Make my kids laugh so hard they pee their pants
- Save someone's life
- Remind my wife how much I love her with something romantically insane once a week
- Vandalize a public wall with beautiful artwork [see "Banksy"]
- Preach a little "time for change" at a church
- Travel to Italy and learn Italian
- Be a celebrity's secret side dish
- Make woopie with my wife in a public place
- Be famous*
- Start an annual Woodstock of sorts for a charity
- Die an old, silly man who tells the best stories and is always full of shinannigans

* I hope to be famous for acting and modeling, not for being on COPS because I was caught making woopie with my wife in a public place.


Randee said...

You know Josh I really do want some Neices and nephews from you and who ever you choose to marry someday. But Are you NUTS for wanting to "Make Whoopi" in a public place " AND of course announce it on THE INTERNET for everyone to read. That's just NOT like you.

theaudienceofone said...

That IS so like me! C'mon sis. You should know me by now!!!

Randee said...

I Love you .... But YOUR WEIRD!!!!!!!!!!

Cristi said...


you look badass.
you should see the pictures stace took with me... i look "cunty" as she would say hahahaha

RoobixCube said...

Everything about you...your eloquent words, your contagious passion, your engaging eyes, your amazing heart. You are one beautiful person - inside and out. I sincerely hope everything that is beautiful, positive, inspiring, exciting and good in this world comes your way...and I truly believe it will.

Much love.
