- Make my kids laugh so hard they pee their pants
- Save someone's life
- Remind my wife how much I love her with something romantically insane once a week
- Vandalize a public wall with beautiful artwork [see "Banksy"]
- Preach a little "time for change" at a church
- Travel to Italy and learn Italian
- Be a celebrity's secret side dish
- Make woopie with my wife in a public place
- Be famous*
- Start an annual Woodstock of sorts for a charity
- Die an old, silly man who tells the best stories and is always full of shinannigans
* I hope to be famous for acting and modeling, not for being on COPS because I was caught making woopie with my wife in a public place.
You know Josh I really do want some Neices and nephews from you and who ever you choose to marry someday. But Are you NUTS for wanting to "Make Whoopi" in a public place " AND of course announce it on THE INTERNET for everyone to read. That's just NOT like you.
That IS so like me! C'mon sis. You should know me by now!!!
I Love you .... But YOUR WEIRD!!!!!!!!!!
you look badass.
you should see the pictures stace took with me... i look "cunty" as she would say hahahaha
Everything about you...your eloquent words, your contagious passion, your engaging eyes, your amazing heart. You are one beautiful person - inside and out. I sincerely hope everything that is beautiful, positive, inspiring, exciting and good in this world comes your way...and I truly believe it will.
Much love.
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